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The life cycle of the zygomycete Rhizopus stolonifer

Sexual reproduction :

  • Mycelia of different mating types (-) and (+) forming hyphal extension (gametangia) which each of the mycelia encloses several haploid nuclei.

  • During plasmogamy, a zygosporangium forms, containing multiple haploid nuclei from the two parents.

  • The zygosporangium develops a rough and thick-walled coating that can resist harsh condition for month.

  • When the condition are favourable , karyogamy occurs, then later, the meiosis also occurs.

  • During meiosis, the zygosporangium germinates into a sporangium on a short stalk.

  • Next, the sporangium disperses genetically diverse haploid spore.

  • The spores germinate and grow into new mycelia.

Asexual reproduction :

  • Mycelia can also reproduce asexually by forming sporangia that produce genetically identical haploid spore.

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